3.03 USP Bus Safety Regulations

Riding a bus to and from school is a privilege. With this privilege comes students’ responsibility for good conduct, proper care of the bus and respect for the rights of others. All discipline policies and regulations are in effect while riding the bus as well as attending school. By riding the bus, it is implied that all students and parents understand these rules and will abide by them.

Students are expected to:
  1. Obey the bus driver and bus monitor who are responsible for the safe operation of the bus and the students being transported. Their directives are to be followed at all times to transport students safely, orderly, and reliably. At no time should a student be disrespectful or refuse to cooperate with the driver and/or bus monitor.
  2. Take the seat assigned promptly and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  3. SEATBELTS ARE MANDATORY TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. It should be fastened appropriately across shoulder and lap.
  4. Sit facing forward keeping feet and legs as well as belongings out of the aisle. Do not extend hands, arms, and/or head out of the window or call out to passers-by.
  5. Abstain from destroying or defacing any part of the bus and keep the area around the assigned seat clean. Do not litter, mark, cut or scratch any part of the bus.
  6. Refrain from bringing articles on the bus that may create a safety hazard by obstructing the aisle or vision of the driver. The driver has the authority to confiscate any prohibited items or any other items deemed distracting or dangerous. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: Tobacco, live animals or insects, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, drugs or chemicals, weapons, explosive devices, stun guns, pepper spray, sharp objects or firecrackers, matches or lighters.
  7. Refrain from consuming food or drinks or chewing gum on the bus.
  8. Obey the school policies concerning smoking, weapons, and controlled dangerous substances.
  9. Refrain from using electronic devices such as cellular phones, tablets, laptop computers, or video games on the bus. Taking pictures or video recording is strictly prohibited.
  10. Follow USP dress code. Shoes must be worn while riding the bus.
  11. Avoid loud conversations or noises that may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition. Do not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion.
  12. Refrain from scuffling, fighting, misconduct and the use of obscene, vulgar or profane language and gestures.
  13. Do not spit or throw objects inside or out of the bus.

Note: Only authorized personnel and verified enrolled students are permitted to board a bus.

Consequences and Procedures

The school bus is an extension of the classroom and consequences will be enforced by school officials. All school policies that apply to student conduct and other student-related activities apply to the school bus.
The following procedures shall be followed when discipline concern arises on a bus regular route or an extracurricular activity:

  • The driver may pull the bus over and stop in order to safely manage student behavior.
  • If the student refuses to comply with a reasonable request, the driver will report the incident to the school as soon as possible.


Refer to minor misbehavior on the part of the student that disrupts orderly bus safety/classroom procedures or school operations.  These infractions will be addressed by the appropriate school personnel.

Examples But Not Limited To
  • Disruptive Behavior
  • Stand while the bus is in moving
  • Failure to complete or carry out directions
  • Not wearing seatbelt
  • Possession of non-instructional items such as but not limited to: cell phones, iPod’s, laser pointers, gaming devices.
  • Food/drink on the bus
  • Verbal harassment or bullying of others
  • Shouting on the bus
  • Dishonesty
  • Inappropriate language
  • Verbal or written warning (pink slip)
  • Parental notification (email or phone call) – if 2 verbal warnings or pink slip
  • Confiscation of non-instructional item
  • Special Assignment (Reflective in nature)


Misbehavior that is frequent or serious enough that it disrupts bus safety and/or endangers the health or safety of others.  These infractions, which usually result from the continuation of Level One incidents require the intervention of administrative personnel because the prior consequences have failed to modify the behavior.  Also included in this level are misbehaviors which do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others, but whose educational consequences once again require a corrective action on the part of administrative personnel.

Examples But Not Limited To
  • Continuation of Level One misconduct
  • Hands, head and feet outside the bus
  • Throw any object on the bus or out of the bus
  • Hit, punch, kick, or physically assault another student
  • Abusive, obscene, derogative or disrespectful language, writings, drawings, or gestures
  • Forgery of any kind
  • Bullying/Cyber Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Defiance of authority, disrespectful behavior to bus driver/monitor
  • Written warning (Pink Slip)
  • Parental notification (Meeting or Phone call)
  • One to five day bus riding privilege suspension


Acts that are frequent or serious in nature that disrupts the learning environment of the school or acts that pose a threat or danger to the health, safety, or welfare of others on the bus.  These acts will require administrative actions which could result in the immediate removal of the student from the bus and possible intervention of other external agencies and/or authorities.

Examples But Not Limited To
  • Continuation of or extreme Level II misconduct
  • Verbal or Physical Threats
  • Indecent exposure
  • Possession of a weapon, drugs or alcohol
  • Five days or longer bus riding privileges suspended
  • School will follow internal regulations which may include out of school suspension
  • School will follow MEDUCA regulations, which may include referral to external professionals or authorities.