The school nurse provides professional medical services to all students in the school every day. The school nurse keeps close touch with class teachers and parents to ensure that the school nurse and class teachers understand the physical health of each student and provide timely and effective care to students who are unwell.
Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning at school to the school nurse. Please contact the school nurse directly through school official communication channels and make sure you include the advisory teacher in the communication.
The School must be notified of any and all prescription medications used by students. Parents must notify the school in writing, so that the appropriate arrangements can be made with the nurse for their proper administration. It is required that the school be informed of the name, dose, start and end date of the prescription, possible side effects (ones that are known to parents) and times of any medication/s that must be administered during school hours. All and such information will be kept confidential in the student’s health records.
Under NO circumstances may students carry and manipulate their own medication in school premises.
All new students must turn in a certificate of good health and a copy of the immunization records to the school at the beginning of the school year. Returning students are expected to submit it every year.
Protocol for handling cases at the nurse’s office:
A student’s health condition is directly related to his or her ability to learn. Children with unmet health condition/s have a difficult time engaging in their daily academic activities. We request all families to keep their children at home if they present any symptoms in order to promote their well-being as well as in consideration to others.
Students are taken to the nurse’s office when a teacher/staff member escorts them. The nurse will complete an incident report in order to document all visits to ensure all communication with parents/guardians are completed.
Most nurse’s visits are treated quickly and with an ice pack, or over the counter medication, eye drops, vaseline, and lotion (for mosquito bites). Every visit is recorded in the student file and in the Nurse’s log. Parents are contacted and this is also recorded. Parents and/or guardians will be called before any over the counter medications are administered.
When a student is sick and being released from regular classes and the nurse determines the student needs to be picked up, parents/guardians will be contacted immediately.